Simply Breathtaking, photograph, 16”x20”, 2019

This was a lucky day. I was driving to the lakefront to take some photos of the sunrise when I saw out of the corner of my eye the Hoan Bridge was lit. This was before the bridge was “officially lit”, so they must have been testing the lights. I took a detour to the boat launch and started shooting - it was just two minutes from my first shot until the lights went out. I was so lucky with my timing and the absolute calm water.

Girls Marched, Too, photograph, 16”x20”, 2017

This photo was taken at the Women's March in Washington, DC on January 21, 2017. This girl and her mom were standing in the area at the end of the march near the Washington Monument. I thought she was so cute in her Army fatigues. I asked her and her mom if I could take their photo. They said yes, so I took a couple of shots.

Like many march participants from Wisconsin I'd gotten a couple Penzys "Kind" pins. I gave one to a high school senior from Sacramento, CA. I told her that my first trip to DC was when I was her age to protest the war in Viet Nam. I gave my second pin to this girl.

Welcome to Dreamland, photograph, 16”x20”, 2021

I have taken thousands of photos of the sunrise at Milwaukee's lakefront. This shot was through the windows of the Milwaukee Art Museum. I think it portrays that dream or never land just before the day starts, imparting a sense of calm and beauty.

Why Water Street?

Having my art at the Water Street Health Center is meaningful to me for several reasons. The first is that it is in my neighborhood so I drive and walk past there regularly. Secondly, I first accessed birth control at a Planned Parenthood health center in Minnesota. I was a student in the early 1970’s and didn't have the means for private pay clinics. Without Planned Parenthood, it would have been difficult or impossible to secure birth control.

More about the artist:

I am a Milwaukee based photographer. Consistent with my interest in and training in urban planning, my images focus on the city environment – movement, layers, serendipity, nuance - a re-imagining of the urban landscape. I am a creature of the city and attracted to the many layers of the city scape, there is so often “more” than I see at first blush, if only I take the time to look. I want the viewer to see the city with “new eyes”, dropping their notions of city life. Those layers and their interplay are what makes the city interesting to me. My images re-imagine the landscape, showing the interplay of elements of the sites, using the placement of reflections and/or motion to mimic/simulate double exposures as well as providing a different "look" for often photographed material.The effect is similar to a funhouse mirror where the image reverberates.

I have shot every day for more than twelve years - producing an image to be shared on social media. This is important to get me out in the city and to be in a position to notice changes in the urban landscape, and in so many cases, to allow the images to find me.

Learn more about Kristine and her artwork.